Amelanchier utahensis

Western Serviceberry

Plant Type: Shrub
Sun: Partial Shade, Sun
Drainage: Adaptable
Water: Naturalize, Occasional
Height X Width: 14' X 12'
Santa Clara County Local: Yes
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Western serviceberry is a common member of montane plant communities throughout California and beyond. In the SF Bay Area this rose relative may be discovered at Mt Diablo or Henry Coe State Park, among many other locations. I was lucky enough to notice a small stand of Utah serviceberry blooming in May along the east fork of Coyote Creek in Henry Coe. The clusters of white flowers stood out among the darker foliage of the serviceberry and its neighbors. This deciduous shrub grows with a rounded upright form, with dark green leaves and gray bark. The white flowers produce edible blue berries, which are relished by birds. All in all, Utah serviceberry is a great local shrub for wildlife support.


Deer Resistant: Somewhat
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: Yes
Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen