Aquilegia pubescens
Sierra Columbine
Plant Type: Perennial
Sun: Partial Shade, Shade
Drainage: Medium
Water: Moist, Regular
Height X Width: 3' X 3'
Santa Clara County Local: No
What do these mean?
Sierra columbine is found at mid- to high elevations in the southern Sierra Nevada. It forms a small, rounded clump of deeply lobed leaves. In spring the intricate columbine flowers appear in various hues of white, lavender, and/or yellow. These are upright, rather than pendent as in the more common scarlet columbine, Aquilegia formosa. Although often found in open areas in its alpine habitat, it seems to do best in at least partial shade in gardens at lower elevations. Regular water is also appreciated. This is a good plant for a traditional garden. Sierra columbine goes semi-dormant in the fall, returning with vigor in the warmer weather of late winter and spring.
Deer Resistant: Yes
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: No
Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen