Hibiscus lasiocarpos

Rose mallow

Plant Type: Perennial
Sun: Sun
Drainage: Adaptable
Water: Moist
Height X Width: 3' X 3'
Santa Clara County Local: No
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This member of the mallow family is found in wet places in the northern portion of California’s Central Valley. After winter dormancy it sends up several stocks of soft, apple-green leaves topped with one or more large white flowers with maroon centers. The rose mallow thrives in a hot, sunny setting with constant moisture. Like many mallows, it will spread by rhizome to form a large patch. Like many wetland species, rose mallow is a good native to grow in a pot, where it may easily be provided with adequate moisture. It has proven quite hardy in a nursery container here at the nursery.


Deer Resistant: Yes
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: No
Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen