Mimulus aurantiacus var. aurantiacus

Sticky Monkeyflower

Plant Type: Perennial
Sun: Partial Shade, Sun
Drainage: Well-draining
Water: Naturalize, Occasional
Height X Width: 3' X 2'
Santa Clara County Local: Yes
What do these mean?



Sticky monkeyflower is widespread in the coastal mountains and lower Sierra foothills. At one time there were numerous recognized varieties which varied in flower shape and size, flower color, overall size, etc. These varieties are no longer recognized by botanists, but they still help plant people distinguish between the many forms encountered in the wild. The form designated by “aurantiacus” is the upright, open shrub encountered in SF Bay Area wildlands and beyond. The flowers are apricot orange and provide quite a display in late spring and early summer. One most often sees sticky monkeyflower in sunny, well-draining sites. It naturally goes dormant as the summer progresses, replacing the lush leaves of spring with small leaves with curled edges. The dormant appearance is quite sparse, and probably not acceptable to most home gardeners. Plant among other shrubs where it is not conspicuous during dormancy. Alternately, sticky monkeyflower can be planted in partial shade and given occasional summer water to improve its appearance.


Deer Resistant: No
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: Yes
Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen