Stachys bullata


Plant Type: Perennial
Sun: Partial Shade, Shade
Drainage: Adaptable
Water: Moist, Regular
Height X Width: 2' X 3'
Santa Clara County Local: Yes
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This vibrant little mint is found in wet places in California’s coastal mountains from the SF Bay Area all the way to the southern border. It grows in shady places as a spreading patch of upright stems with large, opposite leaves. The stems are topped with successive whorls of dark pink flowers. The plant can bloom through most of the year under favorable conditions. The fine hairs that cover hedgenettle do not sting. Rhizomes will fan out from the plant in all directions, as water is provided. Aggressive growth can be constrained by careful watering, or removed yearly after the spring “run.”


Deer Resistant: Yes
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: No
Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen