Styrax redivivus

Snow Drop Bush

Plant Type: Shrub, Tree
Sun: Partial Shade, Sun
Drainage: Medium, Well-draining
Water: Occasional, Regular
Height X Width: 15' X 12'
Santa Clara County Local: No
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The snow drop bush is found in many foothill plant communities throughout the state. It grows in an open rounded form, in size and shape similar to redbud, Cercis occidentalis, which shares much of its range. (And, by the way, makes a great companion plant). Snow drop bush has round, slightly wavy leaves and smooth gray bark well-displayed by its open form. In April the distinct pendent white flowers appear. Snow drop bush grows in a variety of soil types and exposures. It grows slowly (again, like Cercis occidentalis) but is visually appealing at any size. A great place to see the snow drop bush in the wild is the American River Canyon in Placer County.


Deer Resistant: No
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: Yes
Evergreen or Deciduous: Deciduous