Vicia americana
American Vetch
Plant Type: Vine
Sun: Partial Shade, Sun
Drainage: Adaptable
Water: Naturalize, Occasional, Regular
Height X Width: 1' X 3'
Santa Clara County Local: Yes
What do these mean?
This little vine grows in nearly every county of California and throughout much of North America. Its diminutive size and tendency to twine among other plants makes it easy to miss. After summer dormancy stems arise from the tap root. The leaves are compound, with numerous lance shaped leaflets. Each main leaf is topped with several tendrils. The plant becomes more leafy over the years as the tap root becomes more substantial. In spring the violet flowers appear, with that distinctive look typical of the pea family, Fabaceae. American vetch is adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions and seems to respond well to occasional water.
Deer Resistant: Yes
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: Yes
Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen